Home > Events > Cocktail funraiser for Ilomba School’s female students (Ivory Coast) – November 1st, 2019 – Desjardins Pavillon – Université Laval, Le Cercle Hall
01 November, 2019
6:00 pm
Desjardins Pavillon - Université Laval, Le Cercle Hall, 2305, de l'Université Street, Quebec, Qc G1V 0A6

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Looking back on the evening

The benefit cocktail for the Ilomba School of Ivory Coast was held on November 1st, at Le Cercle Hall at Université Laval. The weather of the day, which offered us high velocity winds as well as power outages and numerous delays, worried us somewhat. Despite everything, the cocktail party started with a slight delay in a festive and enthusiastic atmosphere and new faces showed up among the smaller audience. A commented slide show on Ivory Coast and a video testimony of a teacher and a student from Ilomba school were very much appreciated. The parade of African costumes by some members of the Ivorian community added punch to the evening. The silent auction increased the revenue from the cocktail party and pleased many people who were attending the event for the first time .

Thank you to all our volunteers who worked hard to prepare the event, to the Ivorian associations who got involved, to the participants and to the many donors who made it possible to support Ilomba School again this year.

The profits from the evening will be donated in the form of scholarships to young girls from Ilomba School. This school welcomes female students who have not had the opportunity to follow or continue their studies and offers them academic and professional courses in order to ensure a better future.