Home > ON-GOING PROJECTS > Career Guidance Program, Lebanon

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In response to the on-going migration of young people from the rural areas, the Promotion of Social Development program (PRODES) is helping youth discover careers that correspond to needs in their villages.  Tourism, for example, offers a range of job opportunities. This new program meets a critical need for a well-organized career guidance program.

Action Plan & Outcome

The aim of this program is to help 45 girls in Grades 10 and 11 from the rural areas choose their career path, according to three pillars: 

  1. Knowing themselves – Girls are invited to choose a career path according to ‘who they are’ rather than “who they think they are”.
  2. Discovering their interests – During the program, girls are helped to better define their likes and dislikes, their interests, skills, knowledge and talents.
  3. Understanding the job market – In the Career Guidance Program, girls are exposed to the job opportunities offered in Lebanon to enable them to stay and work in the country. When the program is implemented in rural areas, the youth learn about local job opportunities to understand which career choices might enable them to remain in, and help develop, the local countryside.

Field visits to different industries introduce the girls to work that interests them. The trips give them insight into what life would be like should they choose that particular line of work.  In addition, experts and young professionals are brought in to share their different career paths and experiences with the girls. 

Duration: 2023-2024

Funding objectives

In 2021-2022, this project had been funded by a bequest and LINCCO has committed to granting the same amount for two additional years)


Local partner: Promotion of Social Development program (PRODES), a non-profit organization

A generous bequest, received in 2019, made it possible for LINCCO to contribute $10,500 to this project