Home > Events > 2020 Christmas Basket Campaign – Côte d’Ivoire & Venezuela
31 January, 2021
3:12 pm

Our Christmas baskets have made some happy people!

Ivory Coast

This year, the Christmas tree was put up for the children of Ste-Philomène primary school. There were about 90 primary school children, all coming from poor families. As school reinforcement classes are given to these children, a few families were visited. The visit revealed the extent to which parents are fighting for their children’s education even though they live in makeshift houses made of wood and plastic on abandoned land.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we raised the sum of $2,132 for the purchase of gifts and food, which delighted the children and relieved some families.


For a first year, LINCCO has collected your donations to help Venezuelans who really need help because of the severe crisis in their country. We raised $2,517 which we promptly sent to Venezuela on your behalf.

Goods and food have suffered staggering inflation and medicines are now beyond price. We are planning a special collection on Valentine’s Day, which will allow Venezuelan people to buy essential medicines.

Thank you for contributing so generously despite this difficult time due to the pandemic.