In 2020, Nicaragua was going through its deepest political and socio-economic crisis of the last 30 years. The population was also facing a medical crisis. There was a critical shortage of hospital beds and medical supplies, including respirators. There were only 0.9 beds per 1,000 inhabitants and 160 artificial respirators throughout the country, 80% of which was already in use for conditions other than COVID-19.
- Preventive health measures were introduced to limit the spread of COVID-19;
- Healthy diet was promoted to increase resistance to the COV-2 virus;
- Organic farming of local, drought-tolerant crops with high nutritional value, such as amaranth was also promoted. Some products being home grown; the surpluses could be exchanged among neighbors to increase dietary variety.
The excellent relationship and networking generated over the last nine years by and among the 1000 beneficiaries of the Vega Baja Centre was mainly the key to the success of this project.
- Total investment: $19,921
- Project duration: June 2020 to January 2021
- Local partner: La Asociación Nicaragüense de Educación y Cultura (ANDECU)
- Partner in Canada: We warmly thank La Fondation Thérèse et Guy Charron for their huge support in our second project in Nicaragua